Millionaire compensation for having been exchanged at the hospital al nacer
The story of Lorena and Antonella, of the young Italians exchanged at the hospital at birth in 1989, has given the tour of the world and, after years of waiting, seems to have found a legal end for at least one of them. Antonella will receive compensation of half a million euros for what happened. Her biological family, another half a million to be shared between her mother, her priest and her brother, according to La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno.
On June 22, 1989, the couples went to the hospital in Canosa, in Italy, to give birth. On the one hand, Michele and Caterina. On the other hand, Loreta M. and Vito O. received the wrong baby with them. If it is possible to establish at what exact moment the confusion and the exchange of las niñas are produced, the cited diary explains that both were born with 11 minutes of difference by cesarean section and were transferred to the section of neonates. The discovery of the exchange took place in 2012 and the track was a photo on Facebook.
The priests were now compensated for those who had provided an image in the social network of a girl who looked a lot like her. They took from the hilo and a DNA test showed that that one was her biological child and the one they had taken with them to the house and created during all these years. Then, they denounced. In addition, it is given the circumstance that his biological child suffered a complicated childhood and ended up abandoning it. She lived in an orphanage until a family adopted her.
Now, 33 years after its birth, the Audiencia de Trani has condemned the region to pay an indemnity of half a million euros to Antonella, while her biological parents will receive 215,000 euros in the context of “moral damage for damage to the parental relationship ” and your brother, 81,000 euros. This figure summarizes the interests generated since the confirmation of the results of the DNA test obtained in 2013. The initial petition was for several million euros.
In its judgment, upheld by the aforementioned Italian media, the court determined that “serious negligence and recklessness” had taken place on the part of the “obstetricians and childcare nurses” of the hospital donde nacieron las niñas. The judge's assumption is that “the exchange takes place at the time of birth in the delivery room or, even more likely, in the birth room where the newborns were born simultaneously”. Furthermore, in its sentence it is found that “there is no certainty” that “identification wristbands” are used.
For her part, Lorena, the other child exchanged, is still waiting for her demand to be resolved, in which she asks for several million euros in compensation. Her case is even more complex and it is not possible to carry out a DNA test to confirm that she is the son of Loreta M. and Vito O. and that both of them were missing for more than a decade and there was no information about her whereabouts.
La Región could appeal the sentence, but, according to La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno, all the points that you will pay when this part of the litigation is concluded.